For State Agencies
Thousands of VR professionals at dozens of agencies count on us for their training.

Continuing Education Courses Loved By Agencies
We give agencies the tools they need to manage, empower and uplevel a remote workforce, at a price they can afford. Thousands of VR professionals and agencies count on YesLMS and VRDG for continuing education courses, learning new skills to manage and deliver higher standards of care. Have a tight budget? Don’t worry — we offer state agencies exclusive rates and immediate access. Just reach out today for more information!
Easy employee onboarding
Looking for an efficient way to educate new employees about the VR process? Look no further.
Keep your team accountable and motivated
Track your staff’s progress and completion through your admin dashboard or export reports. With each course your staff can climb to the top of your organization’s standings.
High-quality content, affordable prices
Purchasing access to our library will save you money. The more you buy, the more you save. You will also save on out-of-office time, travel, consultants and room fees. Better still, any new courses will also be added to your agency library at no additional cost.
CRC & Certificate of Completion
After successfully completing the course and any required quizzes, each participant will receive a CRC Certificate or a certificate of completion.
More than Classes
We love VR. We really do. That’s why we are bringing together state VR programs to enhance everyone’s training.
Training community of practice
Share info with other state training programs
Share ideas and even materials
Supervisor community of practice
Facilitated by former state training coordinator with proven success in this area

Real Results With Real Impact
Our pilot study in collaboration with The George Washington University Center for Rehabilitation Counseling Research and Education, San Diego State University, and the Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation shows just what a difference our training courses can make.
Of 800 VR professionals from across the United States who completed our courses, data clearly demonstrates an average increase in subject knowledge from basic to proficient, with those scoring as proficient maintaining that level 90 days post-course completion.