Upcoming Webinars

YesLMS and the VR Development Group are excited to partner with CSAVR for: 

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Past Webinars

A woman sits at a conference table. She is taking notes while someone in front of her has their laptop open.

Case Documentation

Case documentation is more than just a record of activities. Effective case documentation tells a story, the VR client’s story, in a way that conceptualizes the case and descriptively captures the actions taken to move the participant toward reaching their employment and career goals. In this session, participants will understand the purpose and the why of case documentation, recognize the implications of just how we document case information, and explore best practices around case documentation.


Presenters: Steve Upchurch, Tammi Williams, Gretchen Ykema

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A person sits in a chair opposite a person sitting on a couch. The person in the chair is taking notes.

Case Management

A VR Counselor’s case management skills directly impact clients’ ability to successfully achieve their employment and career goals. Effective case management requires competence in a broad range of skills, including counseling and guidance, communication, problem-solving, case documentation, and time management. Participants in this session will learn about catalysts for case progression, identify strategies for efficient time and resource management, explore communication skills that enhance case management, understand the importance of case documentation, and examine critical thinking skills for problem-solving.


Steve Upchurch, Tammi Williams, Gretchen Ykema

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Two people converse using sign language in an office.

Become an Adult Ally: Empowering Youth in Vocational Rehabilitation

This interactive session focuses on what State VR agencies can do to foster youth inclusion by demonstrating that voices are heard and are valued as equal partners with VR professionals. Recommendations that are grounded in the stages of change model will provide strategies and practices to engage with youth.

  • Explore the inherent power differential that exists within the Youth-Transition Relationship
  • Explain why shifting the power differential in the transition-relationship to being an “adult ally” empowers youth to be active leaders in their own career development
  • Provide strategies to support continuous engagement of students and youth


DJ Ralston, M.A., Linda Hedenblad, Sandra Miller, M.S., and John Walsh from George Washington University

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A close up of a man holding files and a notebook.

Addressing Recruitment/
Retention in VR

Employee retention in vocational rehabilitation faces several unique challenges due to the nature of the work and the specific needs of both employees and clients. This session explores the challenges of recruiting and retaining qualified employees and shares best practices to address this issue.


John Walsh from George Washington University (CITVR) and Ron Vessell from CSAVR guide the discussion, with a panel of state VR representatives - Theresa Koleszar of Indiana Bureau of Rehabilitation Services, Dee Torgerson of Minnesota Vocational Rehabilitation Services, and Melinda Fruendt of Oklahoma Department of Rehabilitation Services - sharing their firsthand experiences to highlight obstacles they face and their strategies for success.

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A group of three women sit around a laptop. They are gesturing to and looking intently at something on the screen

The Value of Mentoring Programs

Mentoring in vocational rehabilitation plays a crucial role in supporting the professional development and success of employees in the field, ultimately contributing to improved outcomes for clients and the broader community.


Susan Gaillard of the VR Development Group and Tammi Williams of YesLMS facilitate a panel discussion on effective mentoring practices in state VR. The panel includes Erica Kneessi from Maryland VR, Alicia Kucharczyk from Connecticut VR, and Tracy Harrington from Virginia VR.

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A close up image of a working desk. There are files on the desk and a laptop that a woman is typing on.

Casework Efficiencies – Working Smarter

Casework efficiencies in vocational rehabilitation involve strategies and practices designed to streamline and enhance the delivery of services to clients. These efficiencies are crucial for maximizing the effectiveness of services, improving client outcomes, and optimizing resource utilization to address the diverse needs of individuals pursuing employment, careers, and independence.


Melissa Diehl of George Washington University facilitates a panel discussion with Shelby Jennett-Sibanda of Indiana Bureau of Rehabilitation Services and Jack Fruitman of Washington State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation.

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